Do you ever feel anxious about things? It could be due to certain social situations…
Putting yourself out there on social media…
Or something new like starting a business…
Quite often, people become worried what people might think of them or what might happen in the future.
So I wanted to share the fastest technique on how to handle anxiety.
The trick is, you can’t be anxious if the event has already happened…
…so you need to go beyond the point and look back.
That’s because anxiety is a FUTURE-BASED trigger related to an event. Watch the video to learn exactly how the “Anxiety Alleviator” technique works.
Now, this technique is a quick fix. If you want to stop anxiety triggering again in the first place, we need to look deeper…
…and remove either a past negative experience, a trapped emotion or a values conflict (the ONLY 3 things that cause anxiety).