What’s the best way to grow your coaching business? I’m quite sure that’s one question you want answered as soon as possible.

I hear people say things like this every day: “I got into coaching to help people, not to post three times a day on social media or click around building funnels like some IT nerd.”

This is what coaches are telling me day in and day out.

And it breaks my heart, because I know that every one of them got into the coaching industry because they wanted to make an impact. Or, they were looking at the coaching industry because they wanted to make a difference.

But in a very short amount of time, they find themselves juggling 10 different client-attraction methods, and it totally burns them out.

Busy Being Busy In Business

I often look at them and they’re wasting all their hours doing this thing called “busy work”. They’re busy being busy, and they’re busy on things like websites, blog posts or posting every waking moment of their entire life on Instagram.

And then maybe, just maybe, there might be one or two hours a week, if they’re super-lucky, to actually focus on what they love doing, which is coaching, right?

And the question that you probably want to ask yourself is, “Why does this happen?”

What is the root cause of everybody being so confused out there?

More Work Isn’t Progress

Sadly, people confuse productivity with progress. They think to themselves, “If I just do more work, if I just add more strategies, if I just juggle some more ideas, if I just try some more ways to make money, then it’s all going to work out for me.”

The problem is, that’s the exact opposite of what the coaching industry is all about. All these things won’t really help you grow your coaching business. But it’s a reason why most coaches have a hobby instead.

You don’t get rewarded in the coaching industry by doing more things. You get rewarded by doing the right things – focusing on the right things.

When you focus on the right things, you actually end up doing a lot less. So what ends up happening is you do less while succeeding and then having more time to make a real impact.

The challenge is that most coaches out there have no idea what the right things are. They hear one guru say, “All right, I want to tell you what it’s all about. You’ve got to build a website.”

And they click another video and there’s a guru saying, “All right, you need to run a series of 15 complementary Facebook ads with a click-through price, etc.”

Help For Growing Your Coaching Business

All of these pieces of guru advice won’t really help you grow your coaching business. But what we can do is help clarify it for you, so you can cut through all of the overwhelm. At the free online course “How To Become A Highly Successful Coach”, you’ll learn there are only three things that you ever need to focus on.

That’s it, three things, as a coach, to grow your income, your impact, create freedom and do all of those things as fast as possible.

And these are the exact same steps that we have taught over 1,800 of our clients. The same steps have helped them earn over a hundred million dollars in total coaching revenue since 2009, all while changing people’s lives from anywhere in the world.

It means no more overwhelm, no more burnout, no more busy work – all given to you in a very clear and understandable framework. See you there!

3 FREE Audio Programs (Valued at $135)